Can Resealable Packaging Help You Boost Sales

Can Resealable Packaging Help You Boost Sales
Can Resealable Packaging Help You Boost Sales

What do you think the packaging is? Just a layer to protect your product? Some fancy designs to grab the reader's attention? Or both? 

Packaging is more than the exterior of products. It's a method of providing maximum comfort to the customer. Customers' needs and demands are increasing rapidly. They don't want to buy a boring and stale product. Instead, they are looking for fresh, sustainable, and high-quality products. But how can you make this possible?

Through Resealable Packaging. 

It allows the product to start fresh for a more extended period, meeting customers' increasing demands. 

According to the latest statistics, resealable packaging will reach $3.9 billion globally by the end of 2023. Many big companies are increasing their reliance on this unique packaging. 

So, is resealable packaging the right choice for your products? Should you opt for it?

In this guide, we'll explore how resealable packaging boosts sales. 

So keep reading. 

What Is Resealable Packaging?

Source: conicear

Resealable packaging refers to specially designed packaging that can be easily opened and closed by the user multiple times. The best part is that it doesn't impact the shelf life or integrity of the product. Some common examples of resealable packaging in today's world include bags of snacks, baby wipes, and coffee pouches. Resealable options are not only convenient but also add versatility. 

But is this a new trend?

Not at all. 

The concept of resealable packaging isn't new. It has evolved significantly over the last few decades. Originally, packaging served basic purposes such as protection, storage, and transportation. However, packaging has also changed with changes in lifestyle and customer preferences. The role of resealable packaging expanded to include convenience, sustainability, and enhanced user experience.

But what's the reason behind its popularity?

Remember, it's all about fulfilling the needs and demands of consumers. 

In pursuit of convenience, consumers always look for products that fit their busy routines. Resealable Packaging provides the exact solution to this target market. Consumers can enjoy the product on their own terms without worrying about spillage or spoilage.

Impact Of Resealable Packaging On Sales 

According to statistics, more than 70% of consumers believe that product packaging plays a great role in purchasing decisions. But what about resealable packaging? Do customers like it?


They love it because it offers convenience. It reassures them that the product is safe and that they can use it whenever possible. According to a survey, over 80% of consumers would choose resealable packaging over other packaging. 

But the question is: does resealable packaging contribute to increasing sales? 

One study shows that customers willingly pay 14% more for resealable packaging. The data clearly suggests that resealable packaging plays an incredible role in driving sales. It's because of the perceived value associated with the product packaging. 

Now, let's examine why customers prioritize resealable packaging over non-resealable packaging. 

Provides Convenience That Customers Look For

The primary goal of packaging is to make it as convenient as possible. That's how it wins the hearts of customers. Resealable packaging has proven that it can't get more convenient than this. 

These pouches can be used easily; once you've used them, you can simply reseal them. Usually, after opening a package, you'll need a container to store the remaining product. But that's not the case with resealable packaging. 

Let's understand it better with an example. 

Source: thedailymeal

Imagine you've got a package of cheese. Once you open the seal, keeping it in the fridge can alter the taste. Cheese may go bad because of air exposure. But with resealable packaging, you don't have to worry about that. 

Just reseal the pouch, and the cheese will stay fresh. Thus, there is no need for a container or constant worry about the cheese turning bad. 

Compact Packaging Saves Lots Of Space

In this fast-paced world, one thing is certain: Less is more. This also applies to packaging, and resealable packaging perfectly fits the criteria. 

Customers don't want to buy a product that will occupy all the space on their shelves. Instead, they are looking for products with compact packaging. 

It's just as if you're running a garment business. But you don't want one product to take up all the space of your shop. So, you bundle some products in resealable zip pouches as a solution. This allows you to sell products without taking up a lot of space and multiple trips to the warehouse. 

Increased Longevity Of Product

The most common issue while packaging food products is increasing their shelf life. Is there any way to do it? 


You can utilize custom resealable pouch packaging. You might know that opening the package and leaving the food in the refrigerator hurts its shelf life and increases the rate of food going bad. But that's not the case with resealable packaging. 

Do you know why?

Because it closes the pouch and ensures that all contaminants are blocked from entering, it keeps the food edible and fresh for longer. It also reduces food waste, which is amazing for the environment. 

Often Transparent So You Can Check Product

You'll see a lot of product packaging when you go to retail stores. Some are in solid colors, and some are made of hard material. So you can't see the actual product inside the packaging, right?

However, resealable products are most often in transparent pouches. Since the packaging is clear, you can see what is inside the product. 

It's important to note that not all resealable packaging is transparent. Some might have designs, graphics, or texts so you can still get an idea about the product. 

Save The Environment 

Source: rd

If your company truly focuses on its carbon footprint and wants to minimize it, you'll love resealable packaging. There are several recyclable materials you can use for resealable packaging. 

You can also increase sales by choosing recyclable materials. According to statistics, 90Z of Gen-Z consumers happily pay more for a product if the packaging is sustainable. We have created detailed guides on packaging materials and great alternatives to plastics. Check out here for more details. 

Play your role in saving Earth from disaster. 

Step-by-step Guide To Implement Resealable Packaging

By now, you might be clear on resealable packaging and how it can help boost your business sales. So, are you ready to redesign your packaging? 

Here's a quick step-by-step guide on implementing resealable packaging for your business. Let's explore more about it. 

Proper Target Audience Understanding

Target audience research is extremely important for every project. However, this research becomes even more critical when changing or implementing new packaging. Do you know why?

The data gives you a clear understanding of whether your audience will absolutely love or hate this change. The ideal way to gather this data is by conducting surveys or focus groups. These allow you to gain insights into consumer needs and expectations regarding packaging.

Analyze Cost-Benefit 

Switching to new packaging isn't easy. That's why you should analyze the costs associated with resealable packaging and compare them against the potential sales. The common costs you must measure include material prices, changes in production, and potential pricing strategies. Also, factors such as an increase in customer loyalty should be considered. 

Collaborate With Expert Suppliers 

No matter how effective your strategy is, choosing the wrong supplier will make it a complete disaster. Find the right packaging company that aligns with your business values and goals to avoid any issues. Create customized solutions to ensure the product meets users' specific needs. Opt for designing packaging that balances functionality, cost, and consumer appeal. 

Trial & Gather Feedback 

Don't proceed to the next step without testing the packaging. In the initial stages, your resealable packaging may have some issues. That's why you must conduct pilot tests and gather consumer feedback. Based on collected data, make necessary adjustments before a full-scale rollout. Testing allows you to identify issues and fine-tune the packaging design for the best performance.

Spread The Word Through Marketing 

Now everything's ready. It's time to tell your customers about your new resealable packaging. In your marketing campaigns, highlight the benefits of your new packaging. How can you do that?

Communicate the advantages of resealable packaging using marketing channels, such as social media, in-store promotions, and online advertisements. To stand out, add your USP to the packaging. 

But that's not all. 

Make sure you regularly monitor customer feedback and track your sales performance. These metrics indicate whether packaging and labels need to be updated. So, be prepared to make further adjustments based on consumer preferences and market trends.

Wrapping Up 

Resealable packaging is not a packaging trend. It's more than that. It's a strategic tool that can be utilized to increase sales and leave lasting impressions on your customers. It tells customers you're serious about providing the best product. Resealable packaging maintains the freshness of the product. With convenience and sustainability in this packaging innovation, you can stand out from the crowd. It's a major differentiating factor for business, which boosts sales. 

Customers' preferences are evolving, and keeping up with them can be challenging. However, timely investment in resealable packaging can help you stay competitive in the market. 

Want to know more about innovative trends in the packaging and labeling industry? 

Check out our premium guides written by experts here for absolutely free.